C. Douglas Caffey With More on PTSD

The Z Square 7 Crew
Z Square 7 Crew Families
Z Square 7 Crew Cemeteries.
Missing Air Crew Report
Z Square 7 Crew Military Funeral
Memorial Lt Eugene M. Thomas Jr (Marion, Al)
Memorial Lt Francis X. Glacken (Cambridge, MA)
Memorial Lt Norman B. Bassett (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY)
Marcia Bassett McGrattan
Memorial Sgt George P. Demers (Lynn, MA)
Memorial Sgt George P. Demers (Lynn, MA)
Peter & Lillian Demers/Charlotte (Demers) Fiasconaro
Memorial Sgt Louis A. Dorio (Clarksville, VA)
POW-MIA-KIA Ceremony
Bill Mauldin With Willie And Joe
Father John McBride
S/Sgt Kenneth O. Eslick with Photo Album
Sgt Jesse S. Klein. 41-13180
Sgt James B. Rice, Radio Operator, C47, 42-108884
Frank Farr & Merseburg, Germany
Ivan Fail Introduction and "Long Before The Guns And Tanks."
Ivan Fail's "Tribute to the Queen"
Frank Farr Poetry "November 2, 1944", "Old Men And The War", " Merseburg"
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Pages Introduction
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Crew Index
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 1
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 2
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 3
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 4
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 5
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 6
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 7
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 8
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 9
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 10
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Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 12
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 13
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Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 15
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 16
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 17
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 18
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 19
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 20
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 21
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 22
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 23
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery Memorial Page 24
Ivan Fail's "The Tuskegee Airmen"
Memorial Page #1
Memorial Page #2
Memorial Page #3
Memorial Page #4
Memorial Page #5
Memorial Page #6
The Navajo Code Talkers & Native American Medals Of Honor
Ivan Fail's "D Day, The Normandy Invasion"
Ivan Fail's "When The Mustangs Came"
Ivan Fail's "Against All Odds - Mission Complete"
Ford Tolbert by Sallyann
Ford Tolbert Pictures
A Tribute to Lt Raymond "Hap" Halloran
Lt Raymond "Hap" Halloran
Colonel Gregory "Pappy" Boyington, USMC, The Black Sheep Squadron
Lt Halloran Eulogy for Colonel Boyington
Omori POW Camp
Ivan Fail's "A Salute To Lt. Holguin"/ "Shoo Shoo Baby"
General Lemay's biography including a B-29 nose art photo album
March 9 and 10, 1945 Over Tokyo
Lt "Hap" Halloran on March 10, 1945
General Earl Johnson
General Earl Johnson Biography
313th Bomb Wing Mining Missions
Lt Robert Copeland, copilot, Z Square 8
Pyote Bomber Base With A Photo Album
"Hap" Halloran induction Combat Airman Hall of Fame
Blackie Blackburn with a photo album
Hap's Memorable Flight On FIFI
C. Douglas Caffey, A WW2 Veteran, Book Of Poetry
C. Douglas Caffey Collection Of Poetry
C. Douglas Caffey Poetry
C. Douglas Caffey Poem "Graveyard at the Bottom of the Sea"
C. Douglas Caffey Poem "I Saw Liberty Crying"
C. Douglas Caffey Poem "Old Memories"
C. Douglas Caffey Poem "I Saw An Old Veteran"
C. Douglas Caffey Poem "Flying Backwards"
C. Douglas Caffey Poem "All Is Quiet On Iwo Jima"
C. Douglas Caffey Poem "Bones In The Sand"
C. Douglas Caffey on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
C. Douglas Caffey With More on PTSD
C. Douglas Caffey Memorial Day Flying The Flag
C. Douglas Caffey Saying Goodbye To America
The Pacific Theater
Battle of Saipan, Mariana Islands
Saipan Medals of Honor
Battle of Tinian, Mariana Islands
Tinian Medals of Honor
Battle of Guam, Mariana Islands
Guam Medals of Honor
Battle of Iwo Jima
Iwo Jima Medals of Honor
Cpl Ira Hayes, USMC
Battle of Okinawa
Okinawa Medals of Honor
Ivan Fail's "The Saga Of The Superfortress"
Ivan Fail's "The Silent Sentries"
Last Page

C. Douglas Caffey


To My Friends:


Please accept this note as personal, even though the address is to a group.


I need to tell you what God has done, and is doing in my life in the past few weeks. It is something which I wish to share, for it is very unique and very meaningful to me.  Bear with me, please, and try to overlook all the personal pronouns herein.


I came out of WWII, having been in the 509th Composite Bomb Group, Air Photo Unit, which dropped the two atomic bombs on Japan and also the larger atomic test bomb at Bikini. Thousands of folks were killed in a split second, mostly women and children; some 130,000 at Hiroshima alone.  I know that we had to drop those bombs and I know also that most of those killed, or would be killed, would be women and children.  This fact has lain on my mind and heart since WWII, and I came out of WWII with what is known now, as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) with 50% service-connected disability.  During my last months in the Army Air Corps, I spent several months in two hospitals in the Pacific and two in the States.


If you do not know how PTSD affects people, go to Google and type in those four letters.  One terrible effect of PTSD is horrible nightmares.  I have had them now for some sixty years. There is no "cure" for this malady, which I have known for many years.  After I got out of the Military during the years of 1944-1946 I went back to college and had a heck of a time trying to sleep at night.


It was a battle in which God allowed me to endure.  I just asked Him for grace to get through those awful nights in order to prepare for the Ministry. Through four college degrees I was plagued with eternal nightmares.  The same was true afterwards when I was pastor of The First Baptist Church, Watsontown, PA. and when I was Dean of a Bible College in Owatonna, MN, and later Principal of a large Christian High School in the Denver area. I kept all these nightmares a secret, except from my wife, for we had to learn to sleep in two different bedrooms for the nightmares would awaken her.  We have slept in two different bedrooms now for some thirty years.  I kept from my family the nightmares and attending effects of PTSD for I was embarrassed at the constancy of their reaction on me.


During those many years the nightmares became worse, and around the year 2000 the effects of them became so great that the long-kept secret had to surface.  I started going to the VA Center in Biloxi, MS for help, which I finally began to receive.  Psychologist and Psychiatrists did little to help. Medication, such as Paxil, did afford some amelioration, but not enough so as to begin to be a normal human being.


Now, here is the reason for this note to my friends!


Within the past three weeks, I have had almost no nightmares.  Allow me to explain!  My Boston Terrier, Muggsy has begun to sleep between my legs as I sit in my Power-Lift Chair (Can't lie down due to terrible back pain, even though I had surgery on the lower back, so have slept in such a chair for nine years).


Muggsy has learned, somehow, when a nightmare begins and he awakens me by standing on my chest and licking my face, and will not allow me to go back to sleep. I must get up and out of the chair for him to let up.  Since he awakens me when the nightmares begin, I have no recollection of the nightmare and can avoid the hour of time following a nightmare, the time in which it takes to  get on an even keel again!


Someone has been praying for the release of these nightmares in my life and God has used a four-legged dog to do what no Psychologist or Psychiatrist can do, and Muggsy never went to school, much less to get a degree in some Behavioral Science, at Harvard or Mississippi State or the University of Mississippi, or any other college!  For the first time in some sixty years, I have been released from the terrible Mares of the Night!!!!  You have no idea how my life has changed over the past three weeks.  I doubt if you can ever know the relief which a little dog, and a BIG GOD has brought to an old veteran's life. I stand amazed how God has brought about this miracle in the latter years of my life.  I had to share this personal miracle with my friends.  I can't keep it a secret, nor do I wish to do so.  Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!


It is my intention to share this with the folks at the VA Hospital, for some 16% of returning veterans from Iraq suffer from the same PTSD as military people from WWII, the Korean War, Viet Nam, and all the Gulf Wars.  I have never heard of a dog being able to do what Science cannot do, yet it is true.


You can bet that Muggsy gets the best food which money can buy and always plenty of good fresh cool water.  I talk to him about God and what God has done through him, but he shows no evidence of being able to understand.


Thus ends the saga of Doug and the Dog...the only difference between the two is one "U"!  Forgive me for all the personal pronouns.


"A true friend is one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart." So many of you have "touched my heart", and I am grateful!


Cares & Prayers,


Doug Caffey


Doug Caffey waiting for Frank!! LOL

As always, your insight is amazing!  Yes, I have read the poetry which you have posted and am grateful that you think it worth sharing.
Perhaps, somewhere in the notes re my life, we should  say that I am now classified as a 100% service-connected, disabled WWII vet, totally and permanently disabled. Too painful to lie down, and legs and back make me walk like a duck, when I am able to walk. LOL
I shall share my experience with Muggsy, my faithful Boston Terrier, with all those who suffer from PTSD.  It is impossible for those who do not have PTSD to understand what it means to have no 'Mares of the Night' after having them for some sixty years.  Hey! I may live to be a hundred.  I spoke to my wife (of 56 years) yesterday about getting a new Harley to ride!  I won't tell you what she said...but I'll tell you what I said, and that is: "If you die before me I'm gonna' buy a big black Harley and ride, ride, ride."  I may have to get help getting on and off, but once I'm one, a very few will catch up to me for I do like speed.  Someone says, "Why one could get killed on that thing."  My answer is, "well. I'm already over 80 years old and most folks don't live that long; besides, I'd hate to die healthy!"
I've owned over thirty motorcycles, including new BMW's, Triumph's, Yamaha's, Bultaco's (dirt), and a host of Honda Gold Wings.  The last bike owned was a new Yamaha 1100 Special, Twin, and that was just two years ago.  It was low-slung so I could get on and off by myself. I confess to riding it over 102 mph on Interstate 10 between Pascagoula and Ocean Springs, MS heading West, when a dirty little black pick up came up behind me and wouldn't get over in the other lane.  I didn't like his tail-gaiting, so I did what any normal American would do... and that is twisting the throttle.  At a bit over 102 mph the front-end started getting lighter so I had to back off, but when I slowed down and let the little dirty black truck go by, he saluted an old WWII veteran!  I do have a pilot's license but I didn't have wings to "lift off" that day on that beautiful red and cream Yamaha.
This is a true story and you have permission to print it. I may be old but my spirit is young and my mind is still geared to speed on a cycle.  I drive an auto at posted speed limits for safety's sake, but on a cycle, I'm not there when an accident happens...for I'm down the road a piece.  I know this story doesn't fit the "college Dean" scenario, nevertheless, I have never "fit the mold".  If a cyclist tells you that he always the speed limit...he's a liar!  I always ride the speed limit when a "Bear" is in sight, but it's awful boring!
The guy across the street has a black Harley and today he started it up several times and each time my bad heart felt better.  I told my wife, Helen, "Helen Baby, buy me a Harley!  I NEED a Harley so I can live to be a hundred." She didn't say a word but I can't describe the looks I got, but it was not that "come hither" look I used to get when she was much younger!  I've almost forgotten those days...but never have I forgotten motorcycling and if I ever do forget, I would not be 'good company' to anyone!
Now Frank, sell this story to a Cycle Magazine, and keep the fee, then go buy a Harley, and come to see me!  We'll ride off into the New Mexico sun together!
We'll need to stop and buy a set of black leathers first, then Look Out Lake Tahoe, here we come, ready or not!  As I have said, my body may be an antique, but my spirit has not fossilized, nor has my mind!
Cares & Prayers,
C. Douglas Caffey


C. Douglas Caffey



