C. Douglas Caffey
The sounds of war
So long ago,
On the sulphur Isle
of Iwo,
Have finally died;
A lonely bird
Crys for her mate;
No Marine is heard!
But Marines were heard
Six decades ago
For 7,000 died
On Iwo!
If you disturb
The black sand,
The sound of "medic"
Comes from a dying man.
That man is a Marine,
Who will surely die
For the sounds of war
Fill the Pacific sky.
On lonely Iwo,
Buried in black sand
Are the bones of Marines
Who fought man to man!

Try as I may
PTSD doesn't go away;
From the looks of things
It's here to stay.
I tell myself,
There wasn't WWII;
And millions didn't die
Before it was through.
"Remember Pearl Harbor"
Never was said
And hundreds of sailors
And others were dead!
There are no ships
Under the waters there,
And many a family
Never said a prayer!
No planes fell into
The salty sea,
And blood never ran red
Causing PTSD!
No women and kids
Ever died
From the fire storms,
For the news papers lied!
B-29's never
Fell from the sky
With eleven men
To die!
Bob Copeland's B-29
Never fell from the sky
That night over Kobe, Japan
Causing him to die!
There was no
"Iron-Bottom Sound",
With many ships
Scattered all around!
Hiroshima was never
Set aflame,
And 130,000 died
An atom bomb to blame!
Nagasaki never felt
The jar
Of a B-29 called
Bock's Car!
No PT boats,
No fighter planes,
No battle ships,
No dying pains!
War is just
A figment of the mind,
For nations love each other
And are ever so kind!
Then, I ask myself
Why is PTSD
Such a part of me
When I should be free?

C. Douglas Caffey