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Davidson Photo Album!

The B-24, 42-78180, “Maiden USA” was shot down over North Arezzo, Italy
on April 25, 1944. The crew was buried on August 22, 1949 in Section E 124 at the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery. They were
assigned to the 722nd Squadron, 450th Bomb Group.
Back Row -
Left to Right:
2nd Lt. Harmond M. Dessler - Pilot POW 2nd Lt. Wayne H. Sullivan - Co-Pilot KIA Buried Arlington National Cemetery 2nd Lt. William J. Kelly - Navigatror KIA Buried Florence
American Cemetery 2nd Lt. William H. Harvey - Bombardier POW Sgt. Bruce P. Hanson - Gunner POW
Front Row - Left to Right:
Sgt. Clifton L. Davidson - Radio Operator KIA Sgt. Francis G. Miliauskas - Engineer KIA Sgt. Anthony Raffoni - Gunner
KIA Sgt. James H. Mays - Gunner POW Sgt. Vernon
L. Coil - Gunner KIA
Stalag Luft 3 Sagan-Silesia Bavaria (Moved
to Nuremberg-Langwasser) 49-11
2nd Lt
Stalag Luft 3 Sagan-Silesia Bavaria (Moved to Nuremberg-Langwasser) 49-11
Stalag Luft 3 Sagan-Silesia Bavaria (Moved to Nuremberg-Langwasser) 49-11
Stalag Luft 4 Gross-Tychow (formerly Heydekrug) Pomerania, Prussia (moved to Wobbelin Bei Ludwigslust) (To Usedom Bei
Savenmunde) 54-16
4/5/44 - Ploiesti 4/7/44
- Mestre 4/12/44 - Wiener - Newstadt 4/13/44 - Budapest 4/15/44 - Bucharest 4/16/44 - Brasov (Ploiesti) 4/17/44
- Sofia 4/20/44 - Treviso 4/21/44 - Ploiesti 4/23/44 - Wien 4/24/44 - Ploiesti 4/25/44 - Verese (Italy)
This was to be the final mission of “Maiden USA” and
her crew. They were shot down over North Arezzo, Italy by
FW - 190's.
Harvey was the bombardier when the B-24 "Maiden USA" was shot down on April 25, 1944. Six crew members were killed, four were taken as POW's.
bailed out wounded, evaded for a short time but was captured and taken to Stalag Luft III, Sagan, Poland. In January 1945
the POW's were forced marched in a blinding snow storm and then box car-ed to Nurnburg. In April 1945 they were again forced
marched, this time to Moosburg, Germany. The camp (and Bill) were liberated April 29, 1945.
APO-520 |
TARGET: Varese, Italy - Aircraft Factory
I. CHRONOLOGY Twenty-nine B-24's
took off at 0829-0902 hours to bomb Varese, Italy, Aircraft Factory. Thirteen dropped 32.5 tons of 500 lb G.P. bombs on target
of opportunity (Ferrara Marshalling Yard) at 1335 hours from 19,000 feet. Two dropped 5 tons on Riomaggiorie Marshalling Yard
at 1252 hours from 18,500 feet. One dropped 2 ½ tons on airdrome from 23,000 feet. Four jettisoned 10 tons at various places
because of adverse flying conditions and enemy fighter attacks. Nineteen returned to base a t1630 hours. Six Missing. Two
landed at friendly fields and returned to base later.
II. ROUTE AND ASSAULT Rendezvoused with the 449th
Bomb Group over Manduria at 0929 hours at 600 feet and with the other Wing groups along the rendezvous line San Pancrazio
and San Vito Di' Normanni at 6000 feet at 0934 hours; and with escort. Twenty P-38's which accompanied formation for 20 minutes.
On course until 20 miles west of Ancona when weather conditions broke up formation. Fifteen aircraft continued on course as
briefed to target, which was obscured by cloud cover, then to Milano, Piacenza and Ferrara when the marshalling yard was used
as a target of opportunity. Attack was made on an axis of 130 degrees and the formation then proceeded to base. The other
4 aircraft who had become separated by weather attempted to locate the formation but finding this impossible, two bombed the
marshalling yard at Riomaggiore while one bombed and airfield. They returned to base by flying down the west side of Italy
over the Mediterranean.
III. RESULTS Photographic coverage shows concentration of hits on industrial buildings
in center of Ferrara with approximately 15 hits in marshalling yard and 35 car freight train leaving yard believed hit. All
bombs fell short at Riomaggiorie Marshalling yard. No other results observed due to cloud cover.
Fighters: Enemy aircraft were first sighted about 30 miles NW of Ancona but cloud cover prevented any accurate orientation
of their approach direction. They consisted of 10 FW-190's, 15 ME-109's and 1 ME-210. The first attack which commenced at
1130 hours, lasted approximately 30minutes and 11 encounters were listed, all occurring at 18,000 - 21,000 feet. While some
were aggressive, the majority were not and attacks were seldom pressed home beyond 400 yards. They circled the formation shooting
20mm shells, then attacked singly from 3, 6, and 9 o'clock, both high and low. IN general, the basic tactic seemed to be to
wait for any stragglers. Dense could cover caused the attacking aircraft to break off momentarily but it was renewed a fee
minutes later. All attacks were broken off at 1200 hours by P-38 escort. One of our aircraft was definitely lost during this
attack. The second assault occurred at 1345 hour just east of Varli Di Commchio and was made by 4 ME-109's and 2 FW-190's
who attacked from 4 and 6 o'clock high. Several ineffectual passes were made, breaking off at 400 yards as all showed a definite
lack of aggressiveness. No further passes were made and enemy aircraft flew off to the north. Markings of enemy aircraft are
as follows: yellow noses, grey wings and fuselages with large white hand all around fuselages just behind pilot's cockpit
and large white bands all around each wing approximately in the center. Several ME-109's were first noted (they were the first
enemy aircraft see) flying on either of the formation about 100 feet higher and waggling their wings so that the USAAF star
and insignia could be seen. In as much as the ME-109's and the P-51's resemble each other, it was an evident attempt to confuse
our gunners into believing that they were friendly escort. B. Flak: At the primary target (Varese) slight and inaccurate
heavy type flak was experienced. At Ferrara, moderate and accurate, heavy type; at Vercelli, slight and inaccurate, heavy
type; at Malpensa, slight and accurate, heavy type; at Padua, moderat and accurate, heavy type; at Spezia, slight and inaccurate,
heavey type; at Prato, slight and inaccurate, heavy type; and at Padova, moderate and accurate, hevay type. All bursts were
black and 6 of our aircraft were holed.
V. OBSERVATIONS At 1135 hours from 20,000 feet, 20 miles west of
Florence, a B-24 attacked by FW-190 and seen to explode, 2 chutes seen to open. At 1140 hours from 21,000 feet, about 20 miles
DW of Rimini, a B-24 seen to peel off from formation and head towards sea. At 1144 hours from 20,000 feet, tail blown off
a B-24 and ship crashed, three chutes seen to open.
VI. CASUALTIES Two bombers were lost in fighter attacks,
10 chutes seen to open. Four other bombers missing, reason unknown. Six bombers received minor flak damage. Two crew members
were slightly wounded by flak. Two bailed out of aircraft #205 as plane went into a spin.
17, 2009
Thank you for your wonderful site (the others look interesting also)!
I am doing genealogy research for my cousins. Their father was Harmond M. Dessler. Here is
some additional information you may wish to add to this site regarding him:
He survived the crash and was interned until liberated on/about 12 Jun 1945. He married on 7 Jan 1946 and had 5 children.
He died on 11 Sep 1978 and is buried in Barrancas National Cemetery, Section 25, Site
488, Naval Air Station, 80 Hovey Road, Pensacola, Escambia County, Florida.
In the two pictures you have of Harmond and his crew, one is labeled incorrectly showing him
as the fourth from the left. The other has it correct - he's the first person on the left of the top row.
May I have permission to copy the information and pictures on your organization's site that
mentions Harmond? His daughters and sons would love to have the information included in the genealogy information I am gathering.
Thank you for considering my request.
Sgt Clifton Louis Davidson |
December 29, 2010
My name is Mark Grossman, and my cousin is Sgt. Clifton Louis Davidson, the
waist gunner on the Maiden USA when it was shot down over Italy on 25 April 1944. A family photograph of Clifton is attached
to this e-mail.
The aircraft that Clifton was on was hit, according to the air reports I was
able to get from the National Archives, not over North Arezzo, but over Cesena, Italy, where the plane crashed. Clifton and
other members of the crew could not get out because the plane exploded in mid-air. Several years ago, I found the bombardier,
2nd Lt. William H. Harvey, in retirement in Florida, and he told me that he tried to get the others out of the plane but that
only Frances Miliauskas, the engineer, was still alive but he was horribly injured and he could not escape.
I see that members of the family of the pilot, Harmond Dessler, e-mailed you,
so I am doing the same. I tried for the longest time to find any surviving members of the crew, only able to locate Harvey
to be still alive.
As for my cousin, he was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on 9 March 1923, the
son of Louis Davidson and his wife Ella (née Moore) Davidson. Louis (1879-1946) served in the US Army in France during the
First World War; when he returned home in 1919, he met an Irish girl, Ella Moore, in a bar in Boston, got her pregnant, and
then married her in Boston on 15 September 1919. They had three children: Irving Earl Davidson, known as “Dave”
(1920-1989), Clifton Louis Davidson (1923-1944), and Rita Davidson (1924-1929).
Clifton’s father never got over his son’s death in the war; he died
of heart failure in 1946 at the age of 67. His widow, Ella Moore Davidson, died in 1958 at age 64. They are buried together,
with their daughter Rita, in Boston. Irving, who I knew as “Dave,” served in the CIA during the Second World War
and was instrumental in the overthrow of the Mossadegh government in Iran in 1953. He died in 1989, aged 68, and is buried
in Maryland. Clifton’s body could not identified from the remains recovered from the plane crash from the others killed
in action, and they eventually were buried in a common grave in the Zachary Taylor Cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky.
As part of my duties with being the genealogist of my entire family, I discovered
the reports of Clifton’s mission, his entire life (including rare letters from him to his parents), his commendations
(while alive and posthumously), and other information on him not found anywhere else.
If you wish to have any of these images, let me know and I will be happy to
send them to you for use on your site.
I thank you for your time.
Mark Grossman
"Maiden USA" Missing Air Crew Report 4618 |
December 29, 2010
Glad to be of assistance! Please post the entire e-mail at your leisure, and add my e-mail address with the proviso that
I would love to hear from anyone who wishes to know more about the crew of the plane (more relatives of the POWs or KIAs?)
or what happened to them.
Even though it is late here, let me send you this stuff...I am sending some (because otherwise your e-mail box would
be filled to capacity); more will follow by tomorrow. Much more. As I said in my initial note to you, I found William Harvey
in Florida, and spent a few hours on the phone with him, and he told me what happened when the B-24 was hit by F190s and cartwheeled
before exploding. It was incredible to speak to this man who was one of the last people to see this entire crew, as well as
my cousin Clifton - who was known as "Biff" - before most of them were killed.
As I understand, I don't want any of this copyrighted. I am enclosing now the ENTIRE Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) on
the Maiden USA, from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. The original copy is rather poor, so forgive me for its condition.
For each page of the report, I have listed it as Number 8, followed by the letter (A, B, C, etc.), in descending order. So,
8B comes before 8C, and so on. (I ran out of letters, however: so, 8Z comes before 8ZA.) This just happened to be the 8th
document on Clifton in my file on his family, the Davidsons. I have to do this because I am handling over 500 people in my
current genealogy chart and without some numbering system I would go nuts. So this is the one I use.
Just to let you know, but Clifton's father, Louis Davidson, joined the US Army in 1916 and fought with "Black Jack" Pershing
in Mexico chasing Pancho Villa before serving in the Ambulance and Medical Corps in France in the First World War. I don't
know if you have any interest in Clifton's father Louis or his brother Irving - who served with the CIA in Iran - but if you
are I can send info on them as well. BTW, for your information, Louis Davidson's younger brother, Phillip Davidson (1889-1948)
is my great-grandfather. I have spent the last 17 years mapping the entire Davidson family, from Russia to Massachusetts and
Thanks again for the e-mail...and keep up the good work!
Mark Grossman Grossman_Research220@hotmail.com
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery grave marker E124 for Sgt. Clifton L. Davidson, Sgt. Francis G. Miliauskas, Sgt. Anthony Raffoni and Sgt. Vernon L. Coil.

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